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James Kuo - Ночь и день

James Kuo - Ночь и день
Автор: James Kuo
Название: Night & Day
Год: 1992
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О работе:
Техника: смешанная техника, акрил, акварель (mixed media painting)
Размер: 14.5x22 дюймов

О художнике:
James Kuo родился в 1920 году в Suzhou (Китай). Учился в Институте Искусств (Art Institute) в Suzhou. В 1947 переехал в США и жил здесь до самой смерти в 1995 году.

* * *

James Kuo was born amid the gardens and canals of Suzhou, China in 1920 and, with encouragement from his father, studied at the Suzhou Art Institute and the Anqing School of Art. A direct inheritor of ink painting traditions, he left the political upheavals of China and came to the US in 1947 and received a master's degree in painting from the University of Missouri in 1949. He taught in Mt. Mary College in Milwaukee and the China Institute in NY before teaching for thirty seven years at Rosary Hill, now called Daemen College in Snyder, NY. He worked in ceramics and jewelry but primarily in painting for which he is best known, exhibiting at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, the Gallery Without Walls now the More-Rubin Gallery in Buffalo, receiving prizes in 1962 and 1965 at the Chautauqua National Exhibition of American Art. A devoted teacher who was highly respected, he was influenced by Shih-t'ao and Chu Ta, the 'Individualists' who became monks in 17th Century China as well as American abstract expressionists. His bold brush strokes of flat muted colors could be very abstract but never far from the natural world. His passing in 1995 leaves behind a painterly world of lyric balance."

Теги: James Kuo, абстракционизм, экспрессионизм, белый, темный, оранжевый, китай

Размещено: 31-07-2012, 14:27  |  Просмотров: 1683


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